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Robot shalu.

obot shalu is the world's first homemade artificially intelligent multilingual social and educational humanoid robot.
Robot shalu is the world's first homemade artificially intelligent multilingual social and educational humanoid robot , made - up of waste materials , that can speak 47 languages 9 Indian and 38 foreign language.                                                                                                                                      The robot is developed single-handedl by Dinesh Kunwar Patel,an Indian Scientist, Educator, and a Kendriya vidyalaya computer science teacher from Mumbai , India (native of village Rajamalpur, Mariahu , jaunpur , uttar pradesh). It is believed to be similar,or even more efficient than sophia Robot. Robot Shalu has been given first place in the top 10 humanoid robots of the world by TopTen Magazine. Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan has included Robot Shalu in the Computer Science curriculum of class sixth.

During the Corona pandemic, "Wear your mask, keep physical distance and follow government guidelines", the message being spread by Robot Shalu.

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