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Tik Tok Owner Zhang Yiming Sad Story

This young man whose face you are seeing, this is the 9 richest person of China, whose name is Zhang Yiming.You won't believe he is only 38 years old. In 2008, he joined Microsoft but he did not like it much and he joined a company called Fanfu. But this company could not run and Zhang became jobless. He then set up his own company, called 99Fan, Because of which its life was completely transformed in 2011.

Zhang notices that more people in the world are using mobiles than computers, Keeping this thing in mind, in 2012, another company was formed by the name of Byte Dance. And this was the company from which Tik Tok came into existence. But before making Tik Tok, this company launched its first mobile application, which was named Hinto Zai. This application failed very badly and even the Chinese government completely banned it. But he did not lose his courage and with all his strength he again entered the field.

He wanted to build an application that would alert the people of China to the news of the day. But the cost of building this application was very high, so he started looking for investors.
But once again, Zhang's luck did not favor him and all the investors refused his idea. Leaving a substantial job at Microsoft, his difficulties were now increasing. But in 2012, an investor agreed to invest in Zhang's company. With this money, Zhang created an application called Totio, which was used by 1 crore 30 lakh people.Now, most of the population of China started using this application and Zhang got the first success of his life.

Now coming towards the famous application of recent times, Tik Tok. In September 2016, Zhang's company created an application called Duin. This application was actually Tik Tok which was called Duin in China. The application became very famous in China and crores of people started using this application.  And Zhang wondered why this application should not be introduced all over the world now. That's why it launched all over the world under the name of Tik Tok in 2017. But at the same time, another application similar to Tik Tok was already present in the world and was already famous, whose name was Now it was clear that as long as the existed, it was very difficult for Tik Tok to become famous. So Zhang bought the famous application for around US$800 million and merged all its users into Tik Tok. This means that there is no longer any major competitor of Tik Tok in the world. And today Tik Tok is available in 75 languages ​​​​and comes in the world's famous applications. And because of this application, Zhang Yiming is the 9th richest person in China.

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