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Can it possible a piece of paper reach the moon?

Well, the answer may surprise you. You would need to fold the

piece of paper 42 times for it to be thick enough to reach 

the moon. 


It is impractical to get a long enough piece of paper to fold

it 42 times. Paper will not exceed its maximum dimension in 

its unfolded state, clearly a good theory would not allow for

unbounded streching of paper, when the paper is simply


The correct mathematics of paper folding includes a term for 

the initial length of the paper and how it folds. So a piece 

of paper reaching the earth must be at least as long as that 

distance before folding. 

So you can, in theory , fold a long 1mm thick sheet of paper 

in half 42 times to reach the moon by thickness, but the 

length of the sheet to begin is with is: L = 1.012*10^21 m. 

That's just under 107,000 light years. And our galaxy is 

about 100,000 light years across. 


The current world paper-folding record belong to 

California high school student Britney Gallivan, who in 2002 

managed to fold a 1.2km-long piece of tissue paper 12 times.


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