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Cockroaches milk is three time nutritious then cow's milk how?

Most cockroaches don't produce milk. But a species of roaches called the Pacific bettle cockroach (Diploptera punctate),is known to give birth to the young ones.the cockroach reportedly pumps out a type of 'milk' from this brook sack to feed it's babies.                                                                                                                                          According to an international team of scientists this fluid is three times as nutritious as cow's milk.                                   HOW?                                                                This milk, which contains protein crystals,is not only healthy but extremely 'pretty'! Scientists sliced opened an embryonic roach under a microscope and observed that these crystals split out like highly concentrated glitter dust.                                                                                                           And one of these protein crystals can give you three times more energy than an equivalent amount of cow's,buffalo's milk, which in turn has high calories than cow's milk.      

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