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Man who living in iron lung machine for the last 75 years?

He is paul Alexander he can't breathe by his own since 1952 . He has been living in this iron lung machine for the last 75 years. Paul ricard  Alexander is a lawyer , writer and paralytic polio survivor . He is popularly known as one of the last people living in an iron lung after he contracted polio in 1952 at the age of six.                                                                                                  Alexander contracted polio at the age of 6 and was paralyzed for life, only able to move his head, neck, and mouth.

During a major U.S. outbreak of polio in the late 1950s, hundreds of children around Dallas, Texas, including Alexander, were taken to parkland hospital . There, children were treated in a ward of iron lungs. He almost died in the hospital before a doctor noticed he was not breathing and rushed him into an iron lung to help him breathe.Beginning in 1954, with help from the March of Dimes and a Physical Therapist named Mrs. Sullivan, Alexander taught himself voluntary breathing which allowed him to leave the iron lung for gradually increasing periods of time. Alexander was one of dallas independent school District first homeschooled students. He learned to memorize instead of taking notes. At 21, he graduated second in his class from w.w. Samuel high in 1967 becoming the first person to graduate from a Dallas high school without physically attending a class.

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