How to live a happier and good life?
How to live a happier life? This question is very strange that how one can live a good life full of happiness. Many of you people will say that by eating good food, exercising everyday, not getting addicted to bad things by earning more money life will run better. But you guys who are thinking all this thing it is all wrong. To live goodlife full of happiness, first of all you must tried to find happiness in everything and in everywork that you do. You should have to keep a good positive mind set,even if someone treats you badly, you have to treat that person well because it is said that anger can only be quelled by love. Do whatever comes to your mind but don't do things that hurt others. If you keep sitting holding your trouble then you will always be in will also have to tried to look at that problem with happiness. And along with it a person will have to learn to be satisfied to live a happy life. Many of you people thinks that Money can give happiness and who have a lot of money are very happy.let me tell you that money can give you happiness but if you are not happy from inside and you are unhappy then money cannot give you happiness. WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO ADOPT TO LIVE A HAPPY LIFE. 1) Nothing compares to you: If you start thinking that your neighborhood have AUDI, BMW then you will not be able to be happy in life. You should tried to work hard, you too will definitely earn one day. If a man like you is buying BMW, AUDI then why can't you buy it. Those people are also human beings, they also have two ears, one nose, two hands, two legs. Those people can do it, then you can also do it, for this you have to approached positive mind set. 2) Focus on the positive: To live a happy life, you have to stop taking what others have said to on you Because you deviate even more from this, depression starts happening, better then that you ignore their talk. Don't even thik that what other people are saying and what they are thinking. 3) Do what you love: Do whatever you feel like doing in your mind, but take care so that the other does not get harmed. Eat whatever you want to eat, but don't make it a habit because too much of anything is bad for your health.This life is yours, if you drive it, it will be fun. 4) Give back: And one of the best way to be happy is to donate to poor people as much as possible.the happiness that they will get after seeing the things given by you, you will get more happiness after seeing them. 5) Celebrate little victories: To live a happy life, you will have to celebrate even the smallest of prosperity, which will give you more hope. If you will think that in this company I get small amount of salary, then it is not the company's fault because there is someone in that company who earns 1 lakh in 1 month. Let me tell you that a person does not earn more than his knowledge, so don not be sad, keep working hard. I know that it is not possible to be happy all the time because sometimes such a big problem comes in life when you can not be happy but even at the time if you can think positively then you will get courage. This life is yours my freind, how can you run it and be happy depends on you.