Strange radio waves coming from Milky Way to Earth, is there any message of aliens?
Some strange radio waves coming from the middle of the Milky Way to the earth have been recorded. According to space scientists, such waves had never been seen coming towards the earth before. These waves have surprised scientists around the world. The special thing is that these waves are being recorded in every corner of the earth. The scientist is speculating that these radio waves could be a message of aliens. Scientist is speculating that these radio waves may be a message from aliens or the signal being sent by some unknown thing from space, Scientists are in a lot of work these days regarding these things. They are constantly trying to know the reason for these waves.
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The lead author of this new study is Ziteng Wang, a Ph.D. student in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney. Ziteng Wang said that the places where these radio signals are coming is constantly changing its brightness, Signals are being sent in different ways. In general the radio waves come in the same way. But the waves coming from this unknown thing present in the middle of the Milkyway are strange. It is becoming very difficult to understand them.
Ziteng Wang pointed out that these radio waves are having a very high level of spindle. This means that light is flowing in one direction between the waves but they are changing their direction with time. These are very strange incidents.
Initially, they thought that it was some Pulsar. Pulsar is a very dense type of fast rotating neutron. But the way these strange radio waves are coming, it was not according to the expectation of the scientists. Ziteng and his team have named this strange thing in space present in the middle of the Milkyway, after its co-ordinates, ASKAPJ173608.2-321635.
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This thing was discovered when the Australian Square Array Pathfinder Radio Telescope. That is, the survey of Milkyway was being done with the help of the thirty-six dish antenna of the ASKAP. The Murchison Radio-Astronomy Observatory discovered the waves emanating from this object for the first time. After which the radio telescopes of the ASKAP were rotated in that direction. After that the Parkes Telescope located in New South Wales to get the information of these radio waves and South Africa's Radio Astronomy Observatory Meerkat radio telescope was also turned in the same direction.