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Virginia Lottery Winner William Newell

This story is of William Newell, a resident of Alexandria, he bought 20 lottery tickets,

Lottery Winner Story

The game of luck is also amazing,

someone waits for his luck to shine his

whole life, And some people are so

lucky that they do not even know that

bad luck is also a thing. Everyone

knows that the game of lottery is

dependent only on luck, in such a

situation it is rare that a person wins t

he lottery more than once. But in

Virginia, America, the fate of a man was

so good that he should get the Guinness

Book of World Record for the lucky

men. This story is of William Newell, a

resident of Alexandria, he bought 20

lottery tickets, And his luck was so

amazing that he won not one or two but

all the lotteries. After this, he got a total

reward of $100,000.

Man who living in iron lung machine for the last 75 years?

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