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Essential foods in your diet.

1) YOGHURT/CURD.                                         Yoghurt , curd it is commonly known in most part of the world , is one of the most commonly available food items . Yoghurt contains good bacteria that help us digest food and keep us healthy . It also contains large amounts , of calcium , potassium and vitamin B .                                                         HEALTH BENEFITS OF YOGHURT.                 1. it's known for containing a lot of calcium , a mineral which is necessary for healthy teeth or bones yoghurt provides an impressive amount of proteins.                                                                                                  2) EGGS.                                                            While they are not always an option for vegetarians , eggs are excellent sources of protein. The yolk does contain cholestral if you are wary of consuming the entire thing , the egg while can help provide the essential minerals and nutrients to your body. They have less than 100 calories each.                                                                  HEALTH BENEFITS OF EGGS.                          1. Giving young children just one egg a day of six months , along side a diet with reduced sugar-sweetened foods. Many help them achieve a healthy height and prevent stunting.                                              2. Eggs are high in cholesterol , but they don't adversely affect blood cholesterol.       3. Eggs have several nutrients that promote heart such as betaine and choline.                                                                                                                                           3) PULSES.                                                       Pulses are rich in dietary fibre and vitamin A,B,C and E . They also contain mineral like calcium , iron , potassium and zinc. They are the major source of protein in a vegetarian diet.                                                 HEALTH BENEFITS OF PULSES.                     1. Including more pulses in your diet may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.     2. Pulses are a low-glycemic index food. The glycemic index ranks food on how it effects your blood sugar.                                                                                                            4) GARLIC.                                                          Garlic is not only flavour ful , but is also renowned for its many healing properties . It is a primary source of natural anti-bacterial agents.                                               HEALTH BENEFITS OF GARLIC.                     1. Garlic contains a compound called Allicin , which has protect medicinal properties.                                                         2. Consuming garlic on a daily basis helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the anti-oxidant properties of Allicin.                                                                                              5) BEANS.                                                          Beans and other legumes are a great source of proteins, calcium, iron and folic acid. They are also versatile, allowing you to cook many Indian dishes. They also go well with cuisines of other cultures – from Asian to European.                                           HEALTH BENEFITS OF BEANS.                      1.Beans are “heart healthy” because they contain an abundance of soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol levels.Most beans are about 2 to 3 percent fat, and contain no cholesterol, unless they’re processed or prepared with other ingredients.Filled with fiber, beans can promote regularity by preventing constipation.Eating beans regularly may lower the risk of coronary heart disease.                                                                                  6)PANEER.                                                        Cottage cheese or paneer is a mainstay of the vegetarian diet, but even non-vegetarians consume it on a regular basis. Paneer is a versatile food, lending itself well to many different kinds of dishes. However, you should avoid the fat-heavy variety that is made from whole milk. Homemade paneer made from toned (or skimmed) milk contains less fats and cholesterol and is much healthier for you. It will still retain high quantities of protein and calcium.                                                      HEALTH BENEFITS OF PANEER.                     1) Perhaps common knowledge by now, but paneer is a good source of protein especially for vegetarians who do not get their intake from meat products.Since paneer is made of protein, it releases energy slowly in the body which means, it does not cause a spike in one’s blood sugar levels, nor does it give an instant boost which drops soon.Apart from being rich in protein and calcium, paneer is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid — a fatty acid which helps lose weight by increasing the fat burning process in the body.It prevents from various bones diseases like osteoporosis, joints pain and tooth problems like tooth decay and gums problems.

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